Monday, March 23, 2009

A Word on The Benefits of Baby Slings

Hi All,
Recently a very nice mommy named Dawn ; wrote me about the problems that many new mommies face ;
Here is a excerpt from her letter ;
My daughter had GERD (Gastroesophogal Reflux Disorder aka acid reflux or big time spitter upper). She screamed for pretty much 6 weeks straight. When children suffer from GERD, gravity is their friend because it reduces the reflux (holds the formula down), essentially reducing the pain and screaming. Having a baby in a sling keeps them in an upright position, utilizing gravity, and relieving their symptoms. Baby slings/carriers assist in reducing or relieving pain associated with GERD.
I have heard this very scenario from many moms whom found no relief until they began to utitlize the carriers to carry the baby in the upright position. This will not only provide much needed relief to baby but of course much needed quiet to mommy.
Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing Dawn ! Amber

Welcome !

Hello Everyone !
As many of you know ; this site was created to help mothers and all caregivers find just what they need for their little babies. was born with my daughter. The original idea for came when I was unable to find a quality carrier to carry my little angel around in. Nevermind the fact that they were just plain ugly ; they hurt my back and her little legs. Thus the 1st product from Beanababy which was the Beanababy Pouch Slings. Wonderful I thought ; then I began to wear it out in public and the response was wonderful ! Now that you know how was started I will continue to post over the next few weeks about how the company has become what it is today !